
No matter your age or needs, Omni Dental will provide you the best care to keep your teeth healthy and strong.




A solid, healthy base is one of the most important aspects of dental treatment.  Whether you have had consistent 6-month cleanings or have been neglecting your oral hygiene and are ready to get back on track, we are here to care of your oral hygiene needs.



A bridge can be used to replace one or more missing teeth by attaching to the teeth on either side of the open space.  Bridges restore function and esthetics and maintain the position of the surrounding teeth.


When a tooth has a large cavity or is fractured, a crown (cap) may be necessary to restore stability to the tooth and protect the remaining tooth structure.  Tooth colored porcelain again hides the visibility of the restoration

Root Canal

A root canal is required to treat an abscessed, or infected, tooth.  The infected nerve tissue is removed.  The space is then sealed and the tooth is typically restored with a crown (cap).


Pediatric Dentistry

“Baby teeth” are more important than some may realize.  They set the trend for a child’s oral hygiene and hold the space required to allow correct eruption of the permanent teeth later in life.  We wish to start children off on the right path by seeing them for a “well baby visit” at the age of one.  Proper hygiene, habits and diet are discussed with parents and topical fluoride is applied.


A thin coating of resin material is applied into the grooves of the teeth to prevent the formation of cavities.

Dental Emergencies

We understand accidents and toothaches happen.  We will always do our best to get you in for treatment as soon as possible. 

Tooth-Colored Fillings

The decay (cavity) is removed in full and the structure if replaced by a bonded resin restoration.  After finishing and polishing, you’ll never be able to tell the cavity ever existed.



A veneer is similar to a crown, but covers only the front and top of a tooth.  Veneers are usually used to change the shape or color of a tooth, without removing as much tooth structure as a crown requires.



Whether you’re in need of a complete denture to replace all your teeth or a partial denture to only replace a few missing teeth, Dr. Creager’s career history has been rich in denture fabrication.



If finances do not allow for root canal treatment or a tooth is damaged beyond being restorable, simple or surgical extraction may be necessary.


Home Whitening

Custom trays are fabricated to securely fit over your teeth.  Whitening gel is applied and worn over the course of two weeks for a beautiful refreshment of your smile.

Mouth Guards

Whether for protection during athletics or to prevent wear from grinding and clenching, we can fabricate a guard to meet your needs.


Get in Touch


10020 Dupont Circle Ct Suite 150
Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Office Hours

Monday-Wednesday 8am - 5pm

Thursday 7:30am - 2:30pm

CLOSED Friday - Sunday

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